Introduction to Healthcare Supply Chain Management


The introductory program provides a broad overview of healthcare supply chain management. Upon completion of this program, attendees will be able to have a good insight to healthcare supply chain and what are the daily challenges in Purchasing, Materials, Management and Inventory Management.

This specialization is for those who are:

  1. looking to start a career in Healthcare Supply Chain Management but lack the basic background;
  2. working with people in Healthcare Supply Chain Management and want to understand their daily challenges better;
  3. fascinated by how other hospitals are doing better and wants to have the tools and knowledge to create a world class supply chain.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, attendees will be able to have a good insight to healthcare supply chain and what are the daily challenges in Purchasing, Materials Management and Inventory Management.

Who Should Attend

This course is suitable for healthcare supply chain personnel


The half day workshop will be delivered through lectures, case study, role play, and group discussion.

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